M.S. in Staticstics,Southern
Illinois University,1982.
B.S. in Mathematics, National
Central University, Taiwan, 1980.
Bayesian Statistics
Applied Statistics
Regression Analysis, Fall 2005
Bayesian Analysis, Spring 2006
Fan, T. H.* and Berger, J. O. (1990)
"Exact convolution of t distributions, with application to Bayesian
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Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol. 36, pp. 209-228. (SCI)
Fan, T. H.* and Berger, J. O. (1992) "Behaviour of
the posterior distribution and inferences for a normal mean with t prior
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樊采虹*、張佩珍 (1994) "單因子模型中貝氏因子之極小值.
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" Communication in Statistics: Simulation and Computation,
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Fan, T. H. (1995) "Bayesian bootstrap clones
for finite state Markov chains." J. Statistical Computation and Simulation,
Vol. 53, pp. 289-298. (SCI)
Fan, T. H.*, Karson, M. J. and Wang, H. S.
(1996) "A Bayesian estimator of the optimum for a single factor
quadratic response model." Biometrical Journal, Vol 38, pp. 163-172. (SCI)
Fuh, C. D.* and Fan, T. H. (1997)
"A Bayesian bootstrap for finite state Markov chains." Statistica
Sinica, Vol 7, pp. 1005-1020. (SCI)
Fan, T. H.* and Hung, W. L. (1997) "Balanced resampling
for bootstrapping finite state Markov chains.
" Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, Vol 26, pp. 1465-1475. (SCI)
Fuh, C. D.*, Fan, T. H. and Hung, W. L. (1998)
"Importance resampling for Markov chains."Stochastic Models, Vol 14, pp. 1007-1026.
Fan, T. H., Karson, M. J., Wang, H. S.
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factor quadratic regression." Chung Yuan Journal, Vol 27, pp. 61-67.
Fan, T. H.* and Tsai, C. A. (1999)
"A Bayesian method in determining the order of a finite state Markov chain.
" Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, Vol 28, pp. 1711-1730. (SCI)
Fuh, C. D.*, Fan, T. H. and Hung,
W. L. (2000) "Balanced importance resampling for Markov
chains." J. Statist. Plann. Inference, Vol. 83, pp. 221-241. (SCI)
Fan, T. H. and Berger, J. O. (2000)
"Robust Bayesian displays for standard inferences concerning
a normal mean." Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,
Vol. 33, pp. 381-399. (SCI)
Lin, Y. Y.*, Wang, Y. J. and Fan, T. H. (2001) “
Compaction of ordered dithered images with arithmetic coding.
”IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 10, pp. 797-802. (SCI)
Fan, T. H. (2001) “Noninformative
Bayesian estimation for the optimum in a single factor
quadratic response model.”Test, Vol. 10, pp. 225-240. (SCI)
Yeh, T. C.*, Fan, T. H. and Lee, Y. H. (2001)
“Typhoon rainfall regression predictions over
Taiwan area (I) The linear regression model for predicting
Typhoon rainfalls at Taipei.大氣科學, Vol. 29, pp. 77-96.
樊采虹*、林志勳 (2002)
"花蓮地區地震資料之貝氏分析." 中國統計學報, Vol. 40, pp. 229-247.
樊采虹*、鄭庭芳 (2004)
“常態母體間具傘型限制之貝氏選模.” 中國統計學報, Vol. 42,
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Fan, T. H.* and Kuo, E. N. (2004)
"A Bayesian analysis for the seismic data on Taiwan.
" Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Vol, 56, pp. 599-609. (SCI)
Fan, T. H. and Chen, W. C. (2005)
"A Bayesian change-point analysis for the seismic data in
northeastern Taiwan." J. Statistical Computation and Simulation.
Vol.75, pp. 857-868. (SCI)
Y.H. and Fan, T.H.* (2006)“Bootstrapping prediction intervals on stochastic
volatility models.” Applied Economics Letters, Vol.13, pp. 41-46. (SSCI,
Fan, T. H.*,
Chang, K. C. and Lee, C. B. (2006) “Bayesian
estimation of the number of change points in simple linear regression models.”Communications in Statistics—Theory
and Methods, Vol. 35, pp. 689-710. (SCI,.209)
Shieh, S. R.*, Fan, T. H. and Chu, H. P. (2006) “Analyzing single-slide microarray gene expression data by a Bayesian
appear in J. Statistical Computation and Simulation. (SCI, .284)
Lin, D. K.J., and Cheng, K.F. (2006) “Regression analysis for massive datasets.”
To appear
in Data and Knowledge Engineering. (SCI, EI, 1.085)
T.H.* and
Cheng, K.F. (2006) “Tests and variables selection on regression analysis for massive
datasets.” (Revised
for Data and Knowledge Engineering.) (SCI)
K. L., Wang, C. Y.*, Chen, G. D. and Fan, T. H. (2006)“Applying role theory
to monitor web group learning systems” (Revised for Journal of Computer
Assisted Learning.) (SSCI)
Fan, T. H., Karson, M. J., Lee, C. C.
and Wang, H. S. (1993) "Estimation of the stationary point of
a quadratic response function by Bayesian approach incorporation
with Gibbs sampling method." 1993 Taipei International Statistical
Symposium. Dec., 17-19, Taipei.
Fan, T. H. (1993) "Bayesian bootstrap clones
for finite state Markov chains." IMS/WNAR Western Regional Meeting,
June 28-30, Laramie, Wyoming.
Fan, T. H., Karson, M. J. and Wang,
H. S. (1993) "A Bayesian estimator of the optimum for a single factor
quadratic response model." IMS/ASA 56th Annual Meeting, Aug. 8-12,
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Fan, T. H. (1995) "Lower bounds on
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" 中華機率統計學會八十四年度學術研討會, April, Taipei.
Fan, T. H. and Guu, S. C. (1995)
"Lower bounds on Bayes factors for finite state Markov chains.
" The 50th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Aug. 21-29, Beijing.
Fan, T. H. (1998) "Bayesian estimation for
the optimum in the quadratic response models." The 4th ICSA
Statistical Conference, Aug. 19-21, Kunming.
Fan, T. H. and Tsai, C. A. (1999)
"Detecting the number of change points via intrinsic Bayes
factors." 中國統計學社八十八年度年會暨學術研討會, June, Chungli.
樊采虹、邵莉雅、林共進 (2002)
“Regression analysis for large data sets.” 中華資料採礦學
會第一屆學術研討會, Nov., Chungli.
Fan, T.H., Lee, S. F., Lu, H. I., Tsou, T.S.,
Wang, T.C. and Yao, A. (2003) “An Optimal Algorithm for
Maximum-Sum Segment and its Application in Bioinformatics.
”Eighth International Conference on Implementation and
Application of Automato, 2003, July 16-18, Santa Barbara.
Fan, T.H., Lin, D. K.J., Cheng,
K.F. and Shao, L.Y. (2003) “Modeling Massive Datasets,
Part I Intelligent Regression Analysis for Massive Datasets.
”教育部知識經濟與電子商務卓越計劃成果發表會, Aug., Taipei.
Fan, T. H. (2003) “An empirical
Bayesian Analysis on microarray gene expression data.”
2003年數學學術研討會暨中華民國數學會年會, Dec., Chungli.
Fan, T. H. (2004),
“Expected Posterior Priors for Testing Ordered Exponential
Means”第四屆海峽兩岸統計與概率學術研討會, August, 蘭州, 中國.
Fan, T.H. and Cheng, K.F. (2005)
“Binary Tree Algorithms for Change-Point Detection
in Normal Datasets” 教育部知識經濟與電子商務卓越計劃成果發表會, June, Jhongli.
Chen, G.D., Fan, T.H., Wang, C. Y. and Cheng,
K.F. (2006) “Manager Support of Group Collaboration: Tools
for the Analysis of Web-Based Collaborative Behaviors.” 教育部知識經濟與電子商務卓越計劃成果發表會, June,
Technical Reports
Yao, A., Fan, T. H., Tsou, T. S.,
Lee, Y. H., Lu, H. I., Hwang, P. I., Shen, S. and Yang, J. (2004)
“ALLIGN: An efficient local alignment tool for large scale sequence
comparison at all lengths.”
Shieh, S. R. and Fan, T. H. (2004)
“Analyzing single-slide microarray gene expression data by a Bayesian approach.”
Fan, T.H., Lin, D. K.J., and Cheng, K.F. (2005)
“Modeling Massive Datasets, Part I: Intelligent Regression Analysis for Massive Data sets.”
Fan, T.H. and Lee, Y.H. (2005) “A Bayesian
Mixture Model with Application to Typhoon Rainfall Predictions in Taipei.”
Fan, T.H. and Chang, C.C. (2005)
“A Bayesian Zero-Failure Reliability Demonstration Test
of High Quality Electro-Explosive Devices.”
Fan, T.H. and Chang, C. C. (2005)
“A Bayesian Approach for High Reliability Electro-Explosive Devices.”
Fan, T.H., Lee, H. H. and Cheng, K.F. (2005)
“Binary Tree Algorithms for Change-Point Detection in Normal Datasets.”
Fan, T.H. and Jian, W. K. (2006)
“Expected Posterior Priors for Testing Ordered Exponential Means.”
(In preparation.)