Takeshi Emura (江村剛志)'s Home        

I was born in Tokyo, Japan.  I obtained my Ph.D. from Institute of Statistics, National Chao Tung University (Taiwan) under Dr. Weijing Wang. Now, I am Associate Professor in Graduate Institute of Statistics, National Central University, Taiwan. From 2020/2/1, I will move to Chang Gung University.

I am Associate Editor for Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (2018-), and Japanese Journal of Statistics & Data Science (2017-). 


Address:  Graduate Institute of Statistics, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan;  Email: takeshiemura@gmail.com   


Survival analysis, Copula model, Dependent censoring/truncation, Competing risks analysis, Survival prognostic prediction, Statistical software


2020/2/1, Move my office to 長庚大學資訊管理學系
2020/3/14(Sat) Invited talk in a session
「接合関数(コピュラ)の理論と応用」日本統計学会春季大会, 横浜市立大学金沢八景キャンパス, Kanagawa, Japan
2020/7/14-15, Workship of survival analysis in Pukyong National University.
2020/7/20-22, EcoSta 2020, Yonsai University, Seoul, Korea
* Speaker of an invited session EO277: Recent advances in competing risks data analysis
NOTES: I am inviting 1~2 more speakers in this session of EcoSTa2020: I welcome you give a talk on survival analysis!
EO348: Survival analysis with advanced methods
Chair: Takeshi Emura (Chang Gung Univ, Taiwan)
1. Achim Dorre (Univ. Rostock, Germany) "Semiparametric Inference for Dementia Incidence in a Multi-State Model using Large Observational Samples".
2. Silvana Schneider (Univ Federal Rio Grande, Brazil) “An approach to model clustered survival data with dependent censoring”.
3. Ming Wang (Penn Stat Univ, USA) "A time-varying joint frailty-copula model for analyzing recurrent events and a terminal event: an application to the Cardiovascular Health Study".
4. TBA
5. TBA

2020/12/19-21, CM Statistics 2020, at King's College London, UK

Three new books on survival analysis:
[1] Dorre A, Emura T (2019), Analysis of Doubly Truncated Data, An Itroduction, JSS Research Series in Statistics, Springer
[2] Emura T, Matsui S, Rondeau V (2019), Survival Analysis with Correlated Endpoints, Joint Frailty-Copula Models, JSS Research Series in Statistics, Springer, Final Manuscript
[3] Emura T, Chen YH (2018),  Analysis of Survival Data with Dependent Censoring, Copula-Based Approaches , JSS Research Series in Statistics, Springer, Final Manuscript
A new book, comming soon:
[1] Sun LH, Huang XW, Alqawba M, Kim JM, Emura T (2020), Copula-based Markov models for time series – Parametric inference and process control, JSS Research Series in Statistics, Springer


1) A member of a specialized team Statistical Analysis of Event Time on CM Statistics (Computational and Methodological Statistics).

2) A regular member of Japanese Statistical Society.

3) A permanent member of the Chinese Institute of Probability and Statistics.






Student and seminar

Favorate Books