【Visiting Assistant Professor Wanted】
Applications are invited for non-tenure-track Visiting Assistant Professor positions, to begin in August 2025. These term positions are renewable annually for up to a total of three years. Candidates in all areas of applied mathematics will be considered.
[Postdoctoral Research Fellow Wanted]
Professor Shih-Chun Lin of EECS, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan https://cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~shihchunlin/ [Position Duty and Responsibility] The incumbent of this position will engage in research activities that include, but not limited to, the following: (1) theoretical research and development in information theory, 6G communications, and machine learning; (2) paper writing and publication; (3) participation in international collaboration. [Requirement] A doctoral degree in electrical engineering, mathematics, computer science, or related disciplines is required. Fresh graduates are also welcome. Background in information theory, coding theory, probability, partial differential equation, or algebra is preferred. [Salary and Benefits] Please refer to the “National Taiwan University Postdoctoral Researcher Pay Scale Table” in https://www.personnel.ntu.edu.tw/english/News_n_190302_sms_120091.html The monthly minimum wage in the first year is approximately NT$63,112, subject to the final amount approved by the National Science Council Taiwan. [How to Apply] Candidates that would like to apply for this fellowship opportunity are invited to submit their resume/CV & publication list to Prof. Lin at sclinntu@ntu.edu.tw. Please indicate [Applying for Postdoctoral Research Fellow_XXX (name)] in the subject of the email.