陳春樹 教授 Chun-Shu Chen
辦 公 室:M606室
學歷 Education
- Ph.D., Graduate Institute of Statistics, National Central University, 2007
經歷 Experiences
- Professor, Graduate Institute of Statistics, National Central University, 2019/8 ~ present
- Director, Graduate Institute of Statistics, National Central University, 2022/2 ~ 2025/1
- Professor, Institute of Statistics and Information Science, NCUE, 2017/8 ~ 2019/7
- Visiting Scholar, Department of Statistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, 2014/8 ~ 2015/2
- Associate Professor, Institute of Statistics and Information Science, NCUE, 2012/2
- Assistant Professor, Institute of Statistics and Information Science, NCUE, 2008/8
研究領域 Research Interests
- Spatial and Spatio-temporal Statistics
- Environmental Statistics
- Statistical Learning
- Model Selection
- 大氣與統計學門跨域助攻計畫 : https://sites.google.com/view/project-2024-2027/
論文著作 Publications
- Shen, C. W. and Chen, C. S.* (2024), Estimation and Selection for Spatial Zero-inflated Count Models. Environmetrics, 35:e2847.
- Chen, C. W. S.* and Chen, C. S. (2024), Spatial-temporal Hurdle Model vs. Spatial Zero-inflated GARCH Model: Analysis of Weekly Dengue Fever Cases. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 38, 2119-2134.
- Yang, H. D., Chang, A., Hsu, W. W., and Chen, C. S.* (2024), Zero-Inflated Models for Spatiotemporal Count Data with Extra Zeros: Application to 1950-2015 Tornado Data in Kansas. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 31, 1-25.
- Hwang, Y. T., Tung, Y. Q., Chen, C. S., and Lin, B. S.* (2023), B-Spline Modeling of Inertial Measurements for Evaluating Stroke Rehabilitation Effectiveness. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 31, 4008-4016.
- Chen, C. W. S.*, Chen, C. S., and Hsiung, M. H. (2023), Bayesian Modeling of Spatial Integer-Valued Time Series. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 188, 107827.
- Tzeng, S., Chen, C. S., Li, Y. F., and Chen, J. H.* (2023), On Summary ROC Curve for Dichotomous Diagnostic Studies: An Application to Meta-analysis of COVID-19. Journal of Applied Statistics, 50, 1418-1434.
- Yang, H. D., Chiou, Y. H., and Chen, C. S.* (2023), Estimation and Selection for Spatial Confounding Regression Models. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 52, 939-955.
- Chen, C. S. and Shen, C. W.* (2022), Distribution-free Model Selection for Longitudinal Zero-inflated Count Data with Missing Responses and Covariates. Statistics in Medicine, 41, 3180-3198.
- Shen, C. W., Chen, Y. H.*, and Chen, C. S.* (2021), Distribution-free Regression Model Selection with a Nested Spatial Correlation Structure. Spatial Statistics, 41, 100476.
- Ludwig, G.*, Zhu, J., Reyes, P., Chen, C. S., and Conley, S. P. (2020), On Spline-based Approaches to Spatial Linear Regression for Geostatistical Data. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 27, 175-202.
- Chiou, Y. H., Yang, H. D., and Chen, C. S.* (2019), An Adjusted Parameter Estimation for Spatial Regression with Spatial Confounding. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 33, 1535-1551.
- Chen, C. S. and Shen, C. W.* (2018), Model Selection Based on Resampling Approaches for Cluster Longitudinal Data With Missingness in Outcomes. Statistics in Medicine, 37, 2982-2997.
- Chen, C. S.* and Chen, C. S. (2018), A Composite Spatial Predictor via Local Criteria Under a Misspecified Model. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 32, 341-355.
- Chen, C. S.* and Huang, Y. T. (2018), Some Characteristics on the Selection of Spline Smoothing Parameter. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 47, 1307-1317.
- Chen, C. S.*, Zhu, J., and Chu, T. (2018), A Generalized Measure of Uncertainty in Geostatistical Model Selection. Statistica Sinica, 28, 203-228.
- Chang, Y. M., Shen, P. S., and Chen, C. S.* (2017), Adaptive Cox Model Averaging for Right-censored Data. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 46, 9364-9376.
- Yang, H. D. and Chen, C. S.* (2017), On Estimation and Prediction of Geostatistical Regression Models via a Corrected Stein’s Unbiased Risk Estimator. Environmetrics, 28:e2424. doi:10.1002/env.2424.
- Chen, J. H., Chen, C. S.*, Huang, M. F., and Lin, H. C. (2016), Estimating the Probability of Rare Events Occurring Using a Local Model Averaging. Risk Analysis, 36, 1855-1870.
- Chen, C. S.* and Chen, K. C. (2016), Two-stage Signal Restoration Based on a Modified Median Filter. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86, 122-134.
- Ludwig, G.*, Zhu, J., and Chen, C. S. (2015), On Fixed Effects Estimation in Spline-based Semiparametric Regression for Spatial Data. Proceedings of Annual Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, 27, 59-78.
- Chen, C. S.*, Yang, H. D., and Li, Y. (2014), A Stabilized and Versatile Spatial Prediction Method for Geostatistical Models. Environmetrics, 25, 127-141.
- Chen, C. S.*, Lee, Y. H., and Hsu, H. W. (2014), Adaptive Order Selection for Autoregressive Models, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 84, 1963-1974.
- Lee, Y. H., Yang, H. D., and Chen, C. S.* (2012), Spatial Risk Assessment of Typhoon Cumulated Rainfall: A Case Study in Taipei Area, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 26, 509-517.
- Lee, Y. H.* and Chen, C. S. (2012), Autoregressive Model Selection Based on a Prediction Perspective, Journal of Applied Statistics, 39, 913-922.
- Chen, C. S.* and Huang, H. C. (2012), Geostatistical Model Averaging Based on Conditional Information Criteria, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 19, 23-35.
- Chang, Y. M.*, Chen, C. S., and Shen, P. S. (2012), A Jackknife-based Versatile Test for Two-sample Problems with Right-censored Data, Journal of Applied Statistics, 39, 267-277.
- Chen, C. S.* and Yang, H. D. (2011), A Joint Modeling Approach for Spatial Earthquake Risk Variations, Journal of Applied Statistics, 38, 1733-1741.
- Chen, C. S. and Chang, Y. M.* (2011), Model Selection for Two Sample Problems with Right-censored Data: An Application of Cox Model, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141, 2120-2127.
- Chen, C. S.* and Huang, H. C. (2011), An Improved Cp Criterion for Spline Smoothing, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141, 445-452.
- Huang, H. C.* and Chen, C. S. (2007), Optimal Geostatistical Model Selection, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 102, 1009-1024.
- Liu, J. Y.*, Chen, Y. I., Chuo, Y. J., and Chen, C. S. (2006), A Statistical Investigation of Pre-earthquake Ionospheric Anomaly, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, A05304, doi:10.1029/2005JA011333.
- Chen, Y. I*., Liu, J. Y., Tsai, Y. B., and Chen, C. S. (2004), Statistical Tests for Pre-earthquake Ionospheric Anomaly, Terrestrial Atomospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 15, 385-396.
期刊編審 Editorial Service
- 2024 – present Associate Editor, Environmetrics
- 2024 – present Editor, Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association
- 2018 – present Associate Editor, Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association
教授課程 Teaching
- Mathematical Statistics
- Statistical Computing
- Statistical Learning
- Regression Analysis
- Spatial Statistics
榮譽事蹟 Honors and Awards
- 2025 Outstanding Research Award (NCU)
- 2024 Outstanding Research Award (NCU)
- 2023 Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI)
- 2023 Outstanding Research Award (NCU)
- 2023 Excellent Teaching Award of the College of Science (NCU)
- 2022 Top Journal Award of the College of Science (NCU)
- 2019 – 2022 Newly Appointed Outstanding Teaching and Research Personnel (NCU)
- 2019 – 2022 Outstanding Young Scholar Research Project (MOST ; NSTC)