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曾議寬 Yi-Kuan Tseng Professor Graduate Institute of Statistics National Central University Hong‐Jing Hall , M507 (03)422-7151 Ext. 65455
E-mail: tsengyk@ncu.edu.tw
Ph.D. in Statistics University of California, Davis 2005
M.S. in Statistics University of California, Davis 2002
M.S. in Statistics National Sun Yat-sen University 1994
B.E. in Math Ed. National Taipei Teachers College 1992
Current Research Interests:
Joint model approaches for survival and longitudinal data.
General class of survival models.
AIDS research.
Model based time-dependent ROC curves and predictive accuracy
Clinic trials.
Event history plot for CD4 level: The right edge curve is the Kaplan-Meier estimate. Each color bar represent CD4 level of a patient.
Green: CD4 counts < 50; Yellow: CD4 counts 50~100; Orange: 100~300; Red: >300
The profile of log CD4 counts of the patients in non-HAART group. Each blue curve denotes CD4 history of a
patient. The red curve is the LOWESS smoothing trend.
The profile of log CD4 counts of the patients in HAART group. Each blue curve denotes CD4 history of a
patient. The red curve is the LOWESS smoothing trend.
Teaching Activities:
Survival analysis 2024
Categorical Data analysis 2022
1.* | Indira Rizqita Ivanesthi, Emi Latifah, Luqman Fikri Amrullah, Yi-Kuan Tseng, Tsung-Hsien Chuang, Hung-Chuan Pan, Chih-Shiang Yang, Shih-Yang Liu, Chien-Chia Wang (2024). Adaptation of a eukaryote-like ProRS to a prokaryote-like tRNAPro Nucleic Acids Research. DOI 10.1093/nar/gkae483 .(Impact Factor 14.9 !!) |
2.* | Emi Latifah,Indira RizqitaIvanesthi, Yi-Kuan Tseng, Hung-Chuan Pan and Chien-Chia Wang (2024). Adaptive evolution: Eukaryotic enzyme's specificity shift to a bacterial substrate. Protein Science. 33(6), E5028. (Impact Factor 8.0 !!) |
3. | Titi Rindi Antika , Kun Rohmatan Nazilah , Dea Jolie Chrestella , Tzu-Ling Wang , Yi-Kuan Tseng , Sun-Chong Wang , Hsin-Ling Hsu , Shao-Win Wang , Tsung-Hsien Chuang , Hung-Chuan Pan , Jia-Cherng Horng , Chien-Chia Wang (2023). Sequence-specific targeting of C. elegans C-Ala to the D-loop of tRNAAla. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 299, 105149. |
4.* | Titi Rindi Antika, Dea Jolie Chrestella, Yi-Kuan Tseng, Yi-Hung Yeh, Chwan-Deng Hsiao, Chien-Chia Wang* (2023). A naturally occurring mini-alanyl-tRNA synthetase. Communications Biology. 6, No. 314. (Impact Factor 6.548 !!) |
5.* | I. R. Ivanesthi, G. R. Rida, A. Setiawibawa, Y.-K. Tseng, A. Muammar, and C.-C. Wang* (2023). Recognition of tRNAHis in an RNase P-free nanoarchaeum. Microbiology Spectrum. 11, No. 2. (Impact Factor 9.043 !!) |
6. | Tseng, Y. K., Lin, F. S., Tarng, W. H., Lu, Y. L., and Wang, T. L.*(2023). COMPARING THE EFFECTS OF PHYSICAL, VIRTUAL, AND HYBRID LABS ON PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ CONCEPTUAL LEARNING OF HEAT AND TEMPERATURE. Journal of Baltic Science Education. 22, 153-166. |
7.* | Antika, T. R., Chrestella, D. J., Ivanesthi, I. R., Rida, G. R. N., Chen, K.-Y., Liu, F.-G., Lee, Y.-C., Chen, Y.-W., Tseng, Y.-K. and Wang, C.-C.*(2022). Gain of C-Ala enables AlaRS to target the L-shaped tRNAAla. Nucleic Acids Research. 50, 2190-2200. (Impact Factor 19.160 !!) |
8.* |
H. D. Lin, Y.-K. Tseng, C. H. Yuh and S. C. Chen* (2022). Low concentrations of 4-ABP promote liver carcinogenesis in human liver cells and a zebrafish model. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 423,126954. (Impact Factor 14.224 !!) |
9. | Y. K. Tseng* and Ken-Ning Hsu (2021). Study design for a three-arm equivalence clinical trial with binomially distributed outcomes. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. 31, 736-744. |
10. | Achim Dorre, Chung-Yan Huang , Yi-Kuan Tseng , Takeshi Emura* (2021). Likelihood-based analysis of doubly-truncated data under the location-scale and AFT model. Computational Statistics. 36, 375-408. |
11. | Heng-Dao Lin; Fang-Zong Wang; Chia-Yun Lee; Chung-Yi Nien; Yi-Kuan Tseng; Chao-Ling Yao and Ssu Ching Chen* (2020). 4-Aminobiphenyl inhibits the DNA homologous recombination repair in human liver cells. Toxicology. 440, 152441. |
12. | Tzu-Ling Wang* and Yi-Kuan Tseng (2019). The effects of visualization format and spatial ability on learning star motions. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 36, 61-69. |
13. | Yi-Hsueh Lee, Ya-Ting Lo, Chia-Pei Chang, Chung-Shu Yeh, Tien-Hsien Chang, Yu-Wei Chen, Yi-Kuan Tseng & Chien-Chia Wang* (2019) Naturally occurring dual recognition of tRNAHis substrates with and without a universal identity element. RNA Biology. 16, 1275-1285. |
14. | Yi-Ting Hwang*,Chia-Hui Huang,Chun-Chao Wang,Tzu-Yin Lin and Yi-Kuan Tseng (2019). Joint modelling of longitudinal binary data and survival data. Journal of Applied Statistics. 46, 2357-2371 |
15. | C. M. Chen*, P. S. Shen and Y. K. Tseng (2018). Semiparametric transformation joint models for longitudinal covariates and interval-censored failure time. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 128, 116-127. |
16. | Wang, T. L.*, & Tseng, Y. K. (2018). The comparative effectiveness of physical, virtual, and virtual-physical manipulatives on third grade students' science achievement and conceptual understanding of evaporation and condensation. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 16, 203-219. |
17. | Yang, D. C., Tseng,Y. K., & Wang, T. L. * (2017). A comparison of geometry problems in middle-grade mathematics textbooks from Taiwan, Singapore, Finland, and the United States. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education,13, 2841-2857. |
18. | Y.K. Tseng and Y.F. Yang* (2016). A kernel smooth approach for joint modeling of accelerated failure time and longitudinal data. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. 45, 1240-1248. |
19. | Chang CY, Chang CP, Chakraborty S, Wang SW, Tseng YK, Wang CC* (2016). Modulating the structure and function of an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase cofactor by biotinylation. J Biol Chem. 291, 17102-17111. |
20. | Chih-Ming Kao, Hung-Yu Liao, Chih-Ching Chien, Yi-Kuan Tseng, Petrus Tang, Chih-En Lin, and Ssu-Ching Chen*. (2016).The change of microbial community from chlorinated solvent-contaminated groundwater after biostimulation using the metagenome analysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 302, 144-150. |
21. | Y. K. Tseng*, Y. R. Su, M. Mao, and J. L. Wang*. (2015). An Extended Hazard Model with Longitudinal Covariates. Biometrika. 102, 135-150. |
22. | 王姿陵*,曾議寬, 邱美燕 (2015).評析電子教科書對教與學的影響. 教科書研究.第八卷 第二期,175-188. |
23. | T. L. Wang* and Y.K. Tseng (2015). Do thinking styles matter for science achievement and attitudes toward science class in male and female elementary school students in Taiwan. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 13, 515-533. |
24. | Yi-Ting Hwang*, Chun-Chao Wang, Chiuan He Wang, Yi-Kuan Tseng, and Yeu-Jhy Chang (2015). Joint model of multiple longitudinal measures and a binary outcome -- an application to predict orthostatic hypertension for subacute stroke patients. Biometrical Journal. 57, 661-675 |
25. | P. L. Chen, C. W. Yang, Y. K. Tseng, W. Z. Sun, J. L. Wang, S. J. Wang, Y. J. Oyang, and J. L. Fuh* (2014). Risk of dementia after anaesthesia and surgery. British Journal of Psychiatry, 204, 188-193. |
26. | L. C. Huan, J. C. Wu, B.H. Chiou, C. H. Chen3, N.H. Ma, C. Y. Chang, Y. K. Tseng, and S. C. Chen* (2014). MicroRNA regulation of DNA repair gene expression in 4-aminobiphenyl-treated HepG2 cells. Toxicology. 322, 69-77. |
27. | L. C. Chen, J. C. Wu, Y. F. Tuan, Y. K. Tseng, Y. C. Hseu, and S. C. Chen.* (2014). Molecular mechanisms of 3,3’-dichlorobenzidine–mediated toxicity in HepG2 cells. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. 55, 407-420. |
28. | Y.K. Tseng*, K.N. Hsu and Y.F. Yang (2014). A Semiparametric Extended Hazard Regression Model with Time-dependent Covariates. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics. 26, 115-128. |
29. | Y. H. Wu, C. P. Chang, C. I. Chien, Y. K. Tseng, and C.C. Wang* (2013). An insertion peptide of yeast glycyl-tRNA synthetase facilitates both productive docking and catalysis of cognate tRNAs. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 33, 3515-3523. |
30. | Y. C. Hung*, W. C. Tsai, S.-F. Yang, S. C., Chuang and Y. K. Tseng (2012). Nonparametric profile monitoring in multi-dimensional data spaces. Journal of Process Control. 22, pp.397-.403. |
31. | C. P. Chang, Y. K. Tseng, C. Y. Ko and C.C. Wang* (2012). Alanyl-tRNA synthetase genes of Vanderwaltozyma polyspora arose from duplication of a dual-functional predecessor of mitochondrial origin. Nucleic Acids Research, 40, pp.314-p.322. |
32. | Tseng, Y. K. and Shu, K. N.* (2011) Efficient estimation for a semiparametric extended hazards model. Communication of Statistics- Simulation and Computation. 40, pp.270-285. |
33. | Hsieh, F., Tseng, Y. K. and Wang, J. L.*(2006). Joint Modelling of Survival Time and Longitudinal Data: Likelihood Base Approach Revisit. Biometrics. 62, pp.1037-1043 |
34. | Carey, J.*, Papadopoulos, N., Kouloussis, N., Katsoyannos, B., Mueller, H.G., Wang, J. L. and Tseng, Y. K. (2006). Age-specific and lifetime behavior patterns in Drosophila melanogaster and Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata. Experimental Gerontology, 41, pp.93-97. |
35. | Tseng, Y. K., Hsieh, F. and Wang, J. L.*(2005). Joint Modelling of Accelerated Failure Time and Longitudinal Data. Biometrika, 92, pp.587-603. |
36. | Guo, M. H.* and Tseng, Y. K. (1997). A comparison between Linear and Nonlinear Forecasts for Nonlinear AR Models. Journal of Forecasting, 16, pp.491-508. |
● Tseng, Y. K. and Hsieh, Y. H.. A Joint Model Approach for Evaluating the Efficacy of HAART Treatment for AIDS patients in Taiwan. Manuscript.
● Yang, Y. F. and Tseng, Y. K. . Joint model of multivariate survival and longitudinal data with frailty. Manuscript.
● Yang, Y. F. and Tseng, Y. K. \pkg{JointModel:} A \proglang{MATLAB} Package for Joint Models of Longitudinal and Survival Data