International conference:
(2011) Predicting
survival outcomes based on compound covariate method under Cox
proportional hazard models with microarrays December 16-19, 7th
IASC-ARS Joint2011 Taipei Symposium, Academia Sinica, TAIWAN.
(2012) Survival prediction based on compound covariate under Cox proportional hazard models August 26-31, IBC 2012, Kobe, JAPAN.
(2013) Gene selection for survival data under dependent censoring: a
copula-based approach July 8-9, Poster at Workshop ATMS (Asymptotc Theory of Multidimensional Statistics), Rennes, FRANCE. Picture
(2013) Statistical inference based on the NPMLE under double-truncation December
14-16, Organized (invited) session at CM Statistics 2013, London, UK.
(2014) Algorithms for estimating survival function
under dependent left-truncation with applications to elderly residents’
lifetime analysis, Feb 20-21, invited talk for the conference supported by
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, at Shobi University, Kawagoe, JAPAN
(2014) Gene selection for survival data under dependent censoring, a copula-based approach, June 30-July 3, Invited session at IMS-APRM 2014, Taipei,
(2015) Parametric maximum likelihood inference for copula models with
dependently left-truncated data, December 12-14, Organized (invited)
session at CM Statistics 2015,
London, UK.
(2016) Dynamic prediction according to tumour progression and genetic factors: Meta-analysis with a joint frailty-copula model, December 9-11, Organized (invited)
session at CM Statistics 2016,
Seville, Spain.
(2017) Dynamic prediction involving high-dimensional factors based on the joint frailty-copula model, Invited
session, ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium, June 25-28, Chicago, USA.
(2017) Personalized prediction of overall survival utilizing gene expressions October 12-13, Invited speech at 2nd Pacific Rim Cancer Biostatistics Workshop, Kanazawa, JAPAN
(2017) Dynamic prediction for time-to-death under the joint frailty-copula model, December 16-18, Organized (invited)
session, CMStatistics 2017,
London, UK.
Comparison between the marginal hazard models and sub-distribution
hazard models with an assumed copula, December 14-16, Organized
session, CMStatistics 2018,
Pisa, Italy.
(2019) Programs for semiparametric Cox regression with cubic M-spline, June 3-7, Invited session, MMR 2019, Hong Kong
A frailty-copula model for dependent competing risks in reliability theory, June 3-7, Invited session, MMR 2019, Hong Kong
(2019) A clinician's
guide for dynamic risk prediction of death using an R package joint.Cox, June 23-26, Invited session, WNAR/IMS Annual Meeting, Oregon, USA
(2019) Compound Cox: univariate feature selection and compound covariates for predicting survival, June 27-28, Invited speaker, 3rd Pacific Rim Cancer Biostatistics Conference, Oregon, USA
Kendalls tau for survival endpoints in meta-analysis: A general
definition and a conditional copula approach, December 16-18, Organized
session, CMStatistics 2019,
London, UK.
Seminar talks (International):
(2014/11/5) A joint frailty-copula model between clustered
times to progression and deaths, Invited seminar talk at INSERM, Biostat, Bordeaux, FRANCE.
(2018/7/6) A joint frailty-copula model for clustered semi-competing risks data, Invited seminar talk, Pukyong National University, South Korea.
In Taiwan (conference, seminar):
(2007/6/22-23) A Class of Log-rank Test for
Quasi-independence of Truncation Variables, 第16屆南區統計研討會 (高雄大學)
(2011/12/10) Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Dependent Truncation Data based on Copula Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Math Soc (中原大學)
(2010/7/6-7) A Goodness-of-fit Test for
Archimedean Copula Models in the Presence of Right Censoring , 第19回南區統計研究會 (成大統計系)
(2011/3/11) Copula modeling for dependent truncation data- Review and new development TIMS Seminar (臺大數學科學中心)
(2011/3/8) Copula modeling for dependent truncation Invited seminar talk at 中央大學、統計研究所
(2011/5/9) Approximate tolerance limits under log-location-scale regression models in presence of censoring Invited seminar talk at 中央研究院統計科學研究所
(2011) Regression analysis for dependent truncation data, June 24-25, 第20回南區統計研究會, 中正大學國際會議廳
(2012/3/28) A goodness-of-fit test based on the multiplier Bootstrap with application to left-truncated data, Invited seminar talk at 高雄大学統計所
(2012/4/24) Copula-based inference for truncation models based on copulas, Invited seminar talk at 東海大学統計系
(2012/12/13) Survival prediction using the Cox proportional hazard models with a high-dimensional covariates, Invited talk at 中興大學統計所
(2013/4/22) Statistical inference based on the nonparametric MLE under
double-truncation, Invited seminar talk at 政治大學統計系
(2013/5/17) An extension of the compound covariate prediction under the Cox proportional hazard models, Invited talk at 東華大學應用數學系
(2013/6/28-29) Gene selection for survival data under dependent censoring: a
copula-based approach, Invited talk at 第22屆南區統計研討會 (高大)
(2014/10/15) An
Algorithm for Estimating Survival under a Copula-Based Dependent
Truncation Model: with Applications to Elderly Human’s Surviva to be
announced, Invited talk at 高雄大學統計所
(2014/11/21) Semiparametric inference for an accelerated failure time model
with dependent truncation, Invited talk
at 清華大學統計所
(2014/12/6) A joint frailty-copula model between disease progression and death for
meta-analysis Special invited session at 台,日,韓 國際統計學術研討會 (交大).
(2015/1/29) Univariate gene selection for survival data under dependent
censoring: a copula-based approach, Invited talk
at 國家衛生研究院
(2015/6/27-28) A joint frailty-copula model for semicompeting risks data with
meta-analysis, Contributed talk at 第24屆南區統計研討會 (彰師大)
(2015/9/14) Semiparametric inference for an accelerated failure time model
with dependent truncation, Invited talk
at 中央研究院統計科學研究所
(2015/11/5) Asymptotic inference for maximum likelihood estimators
under the special exponential family with double-truncation, Invited talk
at 成功大學統計學系
(2015/12/4) A joint frailty-copula model between tumour progression and death for meta-analysis, Invited session at 2015統計學術研討會(臺北大統計系)
A copula-based dynamic prediction of death according to tumour
progression and high-dimensional genetic factors: joint Cox
proportional hazards models for meta-analytic data, Invited
session, 第25屆南區統計研討會(中山大)
Dynamic prediction involving high-dimensional genetic factors based on the joint frailty-copula model, Invited session at 第26屆南區統計研討會 (臺北大)
(2017/12/8) Personalized prediction for time-to-death unde the joint frailty-copula model, Invited session at CSA-KSS-JSS 國際統計學術研討會 at (銘傳大)
(2018/6/29-30) Parametric survival analysis with dependent truncation, a copula-based approach, Invited session, 第27屆南區統計研討會 (成大學統計系)
(2018/11/9-10), Univariate feature selection and compound covariate for predicting survival, Invited session, 107年統計學術研討會 (中央統計所)
(2019/3/8) Classification and prediction of survival with high-dimensional features, Invited seminar talk at 政治大學統計系
(2019/6/21-22) CompoundCox: univariate feature selection and compound covariate for predicting survival, Invited session, 第28屆南區統計研討會 (中興大學)
(2019/9/18) A copula-based Markov chain model for attribute data, Invited talk at
Institute of Statistics, 高雄大學統計所
(2019/12//7-8) Comparison of the marginal hazard model and the
sub-distribution hazard model under an assumed copula, Invited
at Invited session, 2019數學年會 (中興大學)
In Japan (in Japanese):
(2007). Testing the Assumption of Strongly Ignorable Treatment Assignment. August 6-9, 統計関連合大会 , 神戸大学
(2007) 切断データにおける時間の独立性仮設検定法 , August 18-20, 科学研究費 Symposium, 日本女子大学
(2008). Multivariate Statistical
Inference on Randomly Truncated Data, August, 7-10, 統計関連合大会 統計関連合大会 , 慶応義塾大学
(2009). Testing Quasi-independence for
Truncation Data. October, 1-3, 科学研究費Symposium, 日本女子大学
(2010). Testing Quasi-independence for
Truncation Data. January, 1-21, 久留米大学医学部
(2017). 遺伝子発現量をCox回帰モデルに取り入れた生存期間の個別化予測, March 27-28, 科研費(基盤S)シンポジウム, アクロス福岡
(2018). 単変量Cox回帰にもとづく遺伝子選択と複合共変量による生存期間の予測, September 9-13, 統計関連合大会 , 中央大学
(2018). compound.Cox: 単変量Cox回帰法にもとづく特徴選択(feature selection)のRパッケージ, December 8, データ解析環境Rの整備と利用, 統計数理研究所
(2019). 患者の予後予測のためのウェブ・アプリケーションをRパッケージjoint.CoxとShinyで開発, 統計数理研究所
Informal discussion, workshop, presentation, ゼミ, etc.:
(2011-11-30) Seminar presentation: A goodness-of-fit test for parametric models based on dependently truncated
data. Seminar on Statistics and Risk2, 國立中央大學、統計研究所
Seminar presentation on the ridge estimator and its mean squared error
with Prof. Yoshihiko Konno at 日本女子大学
(2013-10-9) Seminar presentation on the choice of ridge parameter with Prof. Yuan-Tsung Chang at 日本目白大学
(2014) Discussion
about the paper "Evaluating time to cancer recurrence as a surrogate
marker for survival from an information theory perspective
by Alonso and Molenberghs" (SMMR 2008; 17, 497-504) with Rondeau V. INSERM, Biostat, Bordeaux, FRANCE.
(2014-12-26) Seminar presentation on Asymptotic inference for maximum likelihood
estimators for a cubic exponential family under random
double-truncation with Prof. Yoshihiko Konno at 日本女子大学
(2014-1-22) Discussion
about major revision of our paper "A joint frailty-copula model between tumour progression and death for meta-analysis" with Rondeau V, Acacdmia Sinica, TAIWAN
Seminar presentation on Lehmann's book (Elements of Large-Sample Theory, 2004, Sec
2.7, The CLT for independent non-identical random variabes) with Prof.
Yoshihiko Konno at 日本女子大学
(2015-11-14, 21)
Seminar presentation on the paper (Estimating common vector parameters in interlaboratory studies, 2006, JMVA) with Prof.
Yoshihiko Konno at 日本女子大学
Seminar presentation on the paper (Centering and scaling in ridge regression, 1977, Technometrics) with Prof.
Yuan-Tsung Chang at 日本目白大学
Seminar presentation on the paper (Combining possibly related estimation problem, 1973, JRSSB) with Prof.
Yuan-Tsung Chang at 日本目白大学
Seminar presentation on the paper (Combining unbiased estimators, 1959, Biometrics) with Prof.
Yoshihiko Konno at 日本女子大学
(2016-5-24,25) Discussion with Rondeau V. at INSERM ( Biostat), Bordeaux, FRANCE
Seminar presentation on the paper (Meta-analysis of multiple outcomes by regression with random effects, 1998, SM) with Prof.
Yoshihiko Konno at 日本女子大学
(2016-11-11) Personalized
dynamic prediction of death according to tumour progression and
high-dimensional genetic factors: meta-analysis with a joint
model, Biostatistics Workshop organized by Prof. Kenich Hayashi at 慶応義塾大学、数理科学科
Seminar presentation on the draft (Estimation of common mean vector under the FGM copula) with Prof.
Yoshihiko Konno at 日本女子大学

(2014/10/15,國立高雄大學統計研究所 )