International conference:
(2011) Predicting survival outcomes based on compound covariate method under Cox proportional hazard models with microarrays December 16-19, 7th IASC-ARS Joint2011 Taipei Symposium, Academia Sinica, TAIWAN.
(2012) Survival prediction based on compound covariate under Cox proportional hazard models August 26-31, IBC 2012, Kobe, JAPAN.
(2013) Gene selection for survival data under dependent censoring: a copula-based approach July 8-9, Poster at Workshop ATMS (Asymptotc Theory of Multidimensional Statistics), Rennes, FRANCE.  Picture
(2013) Statistical inference based on the NPMLE under double-truncation December 14-16, Organized (invited) session at CM Statistics 2013, London, UK.
(2014) Algorithms for estimating survival function under dependent left-truncation with applications to elderly residents’ lifetime analysis, Feb 20-21, invited talk for the conference supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, at Shobi University, Kawagoe, JAPAN
(2014) Gene selection for survival data under dependent censoring, a copula-based approach, June 30-July 3, Invited session at IMS-APRM 2014, Taipei, TAIWAN
(2015) Parametric maximum likelihood inference for copula models with dependently left-truncated data, December 12-14, Organized (invited) session at CM Statistics 2015, London, UK.
(2016) Dynamic prediction according to tumour progression and genetic factors: Meta-analysis with a joint frailty-copula model, December 9-11, Organized (invited) session at CM Statistics 2016, Seville, Spain.
(2017) Dynamic prediction involving high-dimensional factors based on the joint frailty-copula model, Invited session, ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium, June 25-28, Chicago, USA.
(2017) Personalized prediction of overall survival utilizing gene expressions October 12-13, Invited speech at 2nd Pacific Rim Cancer Biostatistics Workshop, Kanazawa, JAPAN
(2017) Dynamic prediction for time-to-death under the joint frailty-copula model, December 16-18, Organized (invited) session, CMStatistics 2017, London, UK.
(2018) Comparison between the marginal hazard models and sub-distribution hazard models with an assumed copula, December 14-16, Organized (invited) session, CMStatistics 2018, Pisa, Italy.
(2019) Programs for semiparametric Cox regression with cubic M-spline, June 3-7, Invited session, MMR 2019, Hong Kong
(2019) A frailty-copula model for dependent competing risks in reliability theory, June 3-7, Invited session, MMR 2019, Hong Kong
(2019) A clinician's guide for dynamic risk prediction of death using an R package joint.Cox, June 23-26, Invited session, WNAR/IMS Annual Meeting, Oregon, USA
(2019) Compound Cox: univariate feature selection and compound covariates for predicting survival, June 27-28, Invited speaker, 3rd Pacific Rim Cancer Biostatistics Conference, Oregon, USA
(2019) Kendalls tau for survival endpoints in meta-analysis: A general definition and a conditional copula approach, December 16-18, Organized (invited) session, CMStatistics 2019, London, UK.
Seminar talks (International):
(2014/11/5) A joint frailty-copula model between clustered times to progression and deaths, Invited seminar talk at INSERM, Biostat, Bordeaux, FRANCE.
(2018/7/6) A joint frailty-copula model for clustered semi-competing risks data, Invited seminar talk, Pukyong National University, South Korea.

In Taiwan (conference, seminar):

(2007/6/22-23) A Class of Log-rank Test for Quasi-independence of Truncation Variables第16屆南區統計研討會 (高雄大學)
(2011/12/10) Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Dependent Truncation Data based on Copula  Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Math Soc (中原大學)
(2010/7/6-7) A Goodness-of-fit Test for Archimedean Copula Models in the Presence of Right Censoring , 19回南區統計研究會 (成大統計系)
(2011/3/11) Copula modeling for dependent truncation data- Review and new development  TIMS Seminar (臺大數學科學中心)
(2011/3/8) Copula modeling for dependent truncation Invited seminar talk at 中央大學、統計研究所
(2011/5/9) Approximate tolerance limits under log-location-scale regression models in presence of censoring  Invited seminar talk at 中央研究院統計科學研究所
(2011) Regression analysis for dependent truncation data, June 24-25, 20回南區統計研究會, 中正大學國際會議廳
(2012/3/28) A goodness-of-fit test based on the multiplier Bootstrap with application to left-truncated data, Invited seminar talk at 高雄大学統計所
(2012/4/24) Copula-based inference for truncation models based on copulas, Invited seminar talk at 東海大学統計系
(2012/12/13) Survival prediction using the Cox proportional hazard models with a high-dimensional covariates, Invited talk at 中興大學統計所
(2013/4/22) Statistical inference based on the nonparametric MLE under double-truncation, Invited seminar talk at 政治大學統計系
(2013/5/17) An extension of the compound covariate prediction under the Cox proportional hazard models, Invited talk at 東華大學應用數學系
(2013/6/28-29) Gene selection for survival data under dependent censoring: a copula-based approach, Invited talk at 第22屆南區統計研討會 (高大)
(2014/10/15) An Algorithm for Estimating Survival under a Copula-Based Dependent Truncation Model: with Applications to Elderly Human’s Surviva to be announced, Invited talk at 高雄大學統計所
(2014/11/21) Semiparametric inference for an accelerated failure time model with dependent truncation, Invited talk at 清華大學統計所
(2014/12/6) A joint frailty-copula model between disease progression and death for meta-analysis Special invited session at 台,日,韓 國際統計學術研討會 (交大).
(2015/1/29) Univariate gene selection for survival data under dependent censoring: a copula-based approach, Invited talk at 國家衛生研究院
(2015/6/27-28) A joint frailty-copula model for semicompeting risks data with meta-analysis, Contributed talk at 第24屆南區統計研討會 (彰師大)
(2015/9/14) Semiparametric inference for an accelerated failure time model with dependent truncation, Invited talk at 中央研究院統計科學研究所
(2015/11/5)  Asymptotic inference for maximum likelihood estimators under the special exponential family with double-truncation, Invited talk at 成功大學統計學系
(2015/12/4) A joint frailty-copula model between tumour progression and death for meta-analysis, Invited session at 2015統計學術研討會(臺北大統計系)
(2016/6/24-25) A copula-based dynamic prediction of death according to tumour progression and high-dimensional genetic factors: joint Cox proportional hazards models for meta-analytic data, Invited session, 第25屆南區統計研討會(中山大)
(2017/6/23-24) Dynamic prediction involving high-dimensional genetic factors based on the joint frailty-copula model, Invited session at 第26屆南區統計研討會 (臺北大)
(2017/12/8) Personalized prediction for time-to-death unde the joint frailty-copula model, Invited session at CSA-KSS-JSS 國際統計學術研討會 at (銘傳大)
(2018/6/29-30) Parametric survival analysis with dependent truncation, a copula-based approach, Invited session, 第27屆南區統計研討會 (成大學統計系)
(2018/11/9-10), Univariate feature selection and compound covariate for predicting survival, Invited session, 107年統計學術研討會 (中央統計所)
(2019/3/8) Classification and prediction of survival with high-dimensional features, Invited seminar talk at 政治大學統計系
(2019/6/21-22) CompoundCox: univariate feature selection and compound covariate for predicting survival, Invited session, 第28屆南區統計研討會 (中興大學)
(2019/9/18) A copula-based Markov chain model for attribute data, Invited talk at Institute of Statistics, 高雄大學統計所
(2019/12//7-8) Comparison of the marginal hazard model and the sub-distribution hazard model under an assumed copula, Invited talk at Invited session, 2019數學年會 (中興大學)

In Japan (in Japanese):
(2007). Testing the Assumption of Strongly Ignorable Treatment Assignment. August 6-9, 統計関連合大会 , 神戸大
(2007) 切断データにおける時間の独立性仮設検定法 , August 18-20, 科学研究費  Symposium, 日本女子大学
(2008). Multivariate Statistical Inference on Randomly Truncated Data, August, 7-10, 統計関連合大会 統計関連合大会 , 慶応義塾大学
(2009). Testing Quasi-independence for Truncation Data. October, 1-3, 科学研究費Symposium, 日本女子大学
(2010). Testing Quasi-independence for Truncation Data. January, 1-21, 久留米大学医学部
(2017). 遺伝子発現量をCox回帰モデルに取り入れた生存期間の個別化予測, March 27-28, 科研費(基盤S)シンポジウム, アクロス福岡
(2018). 単変量Cox回帰にもとづく遺伝子選択と複合共変量による生存期間の予測, September 9-13, 統計関連合大会 , 中央大学
(2018). compound.Cox: 単変量Cox回帰法にもとづく特徴選択(feature selection)のRパッケージ, December 8, データ解析環境Rの整備と利用, 統計数理研究所
(2019). 患者の予後予測のためのウェブ・アプリケーションをRパッケージjoint.CoxとShinyで開発, 統計数理研究所

Informal discussion, workshop, presentation, ゼミ, etc.:
(2011-11-30) Seminar presentation: A goodness-of-fit test for parametric models based on dependently truncated data. Seminar on Statistics and Risk2, 國立中央大學、統計研究所
(2013-8-27) Seminar presentation on the ridge estimator and its mean squared error with Prof. Yoshihiko Konno at 日本女子大学
(2013-10-9) Seminar presentation on the choice of ridge parameter with Prof. Yuan-Tsung Chang at 日本目白大学
(2014) Discussion about the paper "Evaluating time to cancer recurrence as a surrogate marker for survival from an information theory perspective
by Alonso and Molenberghs"
(SMMR 2008; 17, 497-504) with Rondeau V. INSERM, Biostat, Bordeaux, FRANCE.
(2014-12-26) Seminar presentation on Asymptotic inference for maximum likelihood estimators for a cubic exponential family under random double-truncation with Prof. Yoshihiko Konno at
(2014-1-22) Discussion about major revision of our paper "
A joint frailty-copula model between tumour progression and death for meta-analysis" with Rondeau V, Acacdmia Sinica, TAIWAN
(2015-8-28) Seminar presentation on Lehmann's book (Elements of Large-Sample Theory, 2004, Sec 2.7, The CLT for independent non-identical random variabes) with Prof. Yoshihiko Konno at 日本女子大学
(2015-11-14, 21) Seminar presentation on the paper (Estimating common vector parameters in interlaboratory studies, 2006, JMVA) with Prof. Yoshihiko Konno at 日本女子大学
(2015-11-27) Seminar presentation on the paper (Centering and scaling in ridge regression, 1977, Technometrics) with Prof. Yuan-Tsung Chang at 日本目白大学
(2016-1-21) Seminar presentation on the paper (Combining possibly related estimation problem, 1973, JRSSB) with Prof. Yuan-Tsung Chang  at 日本目白大学
(2016-2-28) Seminar presentation on the paper (Combining unbiased estimators, 1959, Biometrics) with Prof. Yoshihiko Konno at 日本女子大学
(2016-5-24,25) Discussion with Rondeau V. at INSERM ( Biostat), Bordeaux, FRANCE
(2016-8-31) Seminar presentation on the paper (Meta-analysis of multiple outcomes by regression with random effects, 1998, SM) with Prof. Yoshihiko Konno at 日本女子大学
(2016-11-11) Personalized dynamic prediction of death according to tumour progression and high-dimensional genetic factors: meta-analysis with a joint model, Biostatistics Workshop organized by Prof. Kenich Hayashi at 慶応義塾大学、数理科学科
(2017-3-11) Seminar presentation on the draft (Estimation of common mean vector under the FGM copula) with Prof. Yoshihiko Konno at 日本女子大学

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