Guide for Master's thesis and meeting (only apply to my students)
1. Style:
Thesis and report should use MS Word ( Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 文件, which is accepted in most journals ). Do not use LaTeX.
Here is the sample for MS Word 97-2003.
1) The style should be "Times New Roman" with 12pt size.
2) Use "Equation Editor" for formulas. Don't use "Math Type" and other tools.
3) The order of parenthesis in every equation should be [{( )}].
4) A small space between the parenthesis and equation, e.g. ( X+Y ).
5) Use "vector" style of your symbol is vector.
6) Size of the equation is Height=100% and Width=100%.
7) Use "spell-check" and "granner-check" to avoid errors in English.
8) Reference style in the text should be "Efron and Tibshirani (1993)". Do not use "[1]".
9) The file name of your draft should be "NAME_DATE", e.g., "Emura_0219".
10) The space between lines should be 1.5 (do not use 1 or 2).
11) Equations should be numbered as (1), (2), ... Do not use (1.1), (1.2), ....
12) Do not use collquial words, such as "want", "let's", etc.
2. Format of the thesis ( usual case )
1. Introduction
2. Method
3. Theory (or Asymptotic theory)
4. Simulation
5. Data analysis
6. Conclusion and discussion
3. Meeting
For presenting papers or books, students are asked to proof every steps using mathematical formulas.
If the formula is difficult to proof, then consider for a simplest case
(e.g., n = 1, p =1). Also, students are encouraged to check the formula
by R.
I expect that discussion in the meeting is done by formal mathematical
arguments. Uncertain arguments using feeling, intuition, guess, mind does not provide scientific progress in discussion.
Therefore, it is important to formulate your presentation before the
meeting (as I prepare most proofs in my class).
4. Computing by R
R language is a very powerful tool in your research. R is not
only the most widely used computing environment in statistical
research, but also widely used in computational biology, evolutionally
biology, medical research, and social science (and any science).
If you use R studio, computing in R become a lot more fun.
I use R studio in my research. Currently, I can olnly advise programs written by R.
5. Oral defense, Presentation
I suggest using PPT. The sample of my presentation is here.
Every notation must be defined clearly, as in your master thesis.
Better includes some Picture or Animation to visualize your materials (see my sample).
You cannot simply copy & past from your thesis.
6. For prospective students
It is important that you understand well on theoretical
analysis, such as Mathematical Statistics I-II and Statistical
I expect prospective students to understand:
Mean squared error (MSE), UMVUE, MLE, Central limit theorem, Slutsky’s theorem (including proofs), Convergence concept,
Newton-Raphson algorithm, Convex function & Hessian matrix.