We have a weekly meeting, where students present papers or report the results (1 hour / student ). I welcome guest speakers or listener.
Ph.D student
Shih Jia-Han (4th year): Copula: Competing risks: Decision theory
Master students
Jiun Huang (2nd year): Two-sample test for survival data
Ting-yu (2nd year): Robust linear regression
Xinwei (2nd year): Copula-based Markov chain
Yin Chen (2nd year): Bivariate reliability model
Wei-Chern (1st year): Survival forest
Lay Jay (1st year): Chang point estimation
Past students and assistants:
黃昕蔚 (2019) Likelihood-based inference for copula-based Markov chain
models for continuous, discrete, and survival data
[19] 王尹辰 (2019) A general class of multivariate survival models derived
from frailty and copula models: application to reliability theory
[18] 林庭羽 (2019) A shrinkage robust ridge estimator with an intercept term
[17] 許竣瑝 (2019) Performance of a two-sample test with Mann-Whitney statistics under dependent censoring with copula models
[16] 黃中彥 (2018) Likelihood-based analysis of doubly-truncated data under the location-scale and AFT models [106年, 佳作, 中國統計學社論文獎]
[15] 吳柏宏 (2018) The Weibull joint frailty-copula model for meta-analysis with semi-competing risks data [106年, 佳作, 中國統計學社論文獎]
[14] Zhisheng He何致晟 (2017), Master thesis: Parametric likelihood inference with censored survival data under the COM-Poisson cure models, PPT, Poster
[13] Wei Lee 李威(2017), Master thesis: Likelihood inference on bivariate competing risks models under the Pareto distribution, PPT, Poster
Jia-Han Shih 施嘉翰(2016), Master thesis: Dependence measures and
competing risks models under the generalized Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern
copula. PPT, Poster, [105年優等, 中國統計學社論文獎]
Yu-Ting Liao (2016), Master thesis: A review and comparison of
continuity correction rules: the normal approximation to the binomial
distribution. PPT, Poster
[10] Chi-Hung Pan 潘奇鴻(2015), Master thesis: A copula-based parametric maximum likelihood estimation for dependently left-truncated data. PPT, Poster.
[9] Ai-Chun Chen 陳愛群(2015),
Master thesis: A class of Liu-type estimators based on ridge regression
under multicollinearity with an application to mixture experiments. PPT, Poster.
[8] Szu-Peng Yang 楊思芃(2014), Master thesis: A Class of Generalized Ridge Estimator for High-dimensional Linear Regression. PPT, Poster.
[104年, 優等, 中國統計學社論文獎]
[7] Ya-Hsuan Hu 胡雅萱(2014), Master thesis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Double-truncation Data under a Special Exponential Family. PPT, Poster.
[104年, 佳作, 中國統計學社論文獎]
[6] Yi-Ting Ho 何逸庭(2014), Master thesis: A Robust Change Point Estimator for Binomial CUSUM Control Chart, PPT
[5] Yi-Shuan Lin (2013, RA), Project: A comparison of normal approximation rules for attribute control charts.
[4] Yu-Tzu Kuo (2013, RA), Project: Mathematical Statistics, Quanliy control, Data analysis.
[3] Fan-Hsuan Kao 高帆萱(2013), Master thesis: An Improved Nonparametric Estimator of Distribution Function for Bivariate Competing Risks Model. PPT.
[2] Shau-Kai Shiu 徐紹凱(2013), Master thesis: Estimation and Model Selection for Left-truncated and Right-censored Data: Application to Power Transformers Lifetime Modeling.PPT.
[1] Ting-Hsuan Long 龍庭軒(2013), Master thesis: A Control Chart Based on Copula-based Markov Time Series Models PPT.
[103年, 優等, 中國統計學社論文獎]

2016/6, Oral exam

2014/6, Oral exam